Comprehending Medjugorje : Original Documents And Conversations with Arnaud Dumouch

The secrets

Reference (French Edition) :
Daria Klanac, Comprendre Medjugorje : Regard historique et théologique, avec la collaboration du théologien Arnaud Dumouch, Informativni centar Mir, Medjugorje, en coédition avec les Éditions Sakramento, Paris, 2012, 2e éd. (1re éd. 2008, ISBN 978-2-915380-19-4 & 978-9958-36017-6), entretien avec le théologien Arnaud Dumouch, page 151.
English Translation by Duško Čondić


The secrets

Daria Klanac : The visionaries say that they have received secrets. How are we to understand the secrets that the Virgin has given to the visionaries? Of what benefit are they to one’s Faith? Is it important that they be revealed?

Arnaud Dumouch : The fact that the Virgin imparted secrets presents no obstacle. This is the same response that applies to Fatima: if the apparitions are approved, theologians will find justification for the secrets; if the apparitions are condemned, they will cast off their validity and say: “All of that was obvious and transparent.” In short, we cannot, nor should we, conclude anything as regards the secrets. This is a customary practice on the part of Heaven.